Odoo Development Masterclass

Odoo Development Masterclass

Learn Odoo development ! Get your job at Odoo or an Odoo Partner

Private Course
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Responsible CreativeDEV
Last Update 07/06/2024
Completion Time 9 minutes
Members 4
Odoo Technical
  • 3Lessons ·
    • 1 - Introduction.mp4
    • 3 - Lab setup.mp4
    • 4 - Launching Odoo for the first time.mp4
  • 9Lessons · 1 min
    • 5 - Install IDE and prepare folder for our module.mp4
    • 6 - Module structure.mp4
    • 7 - Manifest.mp4
    • 8 - Models.mp4
    • 9 - Basic fields.mp4
    • 10 - Views.mp4
    • 11 - Menus.mp4
    • 12 - Window actions.mp4
    • 13 - Minimum viable security for our model.mp4
  • 3Lessons ·
    • 14 - Form view.mp4
    • 15 - Tree view.mp4
    • 16 - Search view.mp4
  • 6Lessons · 8 min
    • 17 - Advanced Fields.mp4
    • 18 - Onchange Compute Depends and Constraints.mp4
    • 19 - Models functions browse search sorted filtered mapped.mp4
    • 20 - Wizards TransientModel.mp4
    • 21 - AbstractModel.mp4
    • 22 - Chatter and Activity.mp4
  • 2Lessons ·
    • 23 - Crons ircron.mp4
    • 24 - Server Action iractionsserver.mp4
  • 2Lessons ·
    • 25 - Controllers and Rendering views.mp4
    • 26 - Using data in templates.mp4
  • 2Lessons ·
    • 27 - Creating the action.mp4
    • 28 - Developing a PDF report.mp4
  • 5Lessons ·
    • 29 - Model inheritance.mp4
    • 30 - View inheritance.mp4
    • 31 - Changing compute behaviors.mp4
    • 32 - Controller inheritance.mp4
    • 33 - Template inheritance.mp4
  • 1Lessons ·
    • 34 - Wrap up and Thank you.mp4